Launch of Acoustic Ecology Review (Vol. 1 – WFAE 2023 Conference Proceedings)

I’m deeply pleased to inform you of the publication of proceedings of ‘Listening Pasts – Listening Futures’, the 2023 World Forum for Acoustic Ecology Conference. This is the first publication of Acoustic Ecology Review, an international journal and publishing platform for the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology and the international sound studies community.

This open access online platform extends and enhances the work of Soundscape: The Journal for Acoustic Ecology, started in 2001. I hope this new platform will support a broad range of voices through their own platforming of sonic ecologies, especially ones in which the cost of access poses an obstacle. The recent Beyond Listening symposium in Budapest would, I believe, exemplify one of the latest cases for the need for such support.

I’m also pleased to note that the proceedings of ‘Listening Pasts – Listening Futures’ conference includes my paper describing my piece, “The Frequent Listener,” performed by Alex Braidwood and Lisa Schonberg at the Atlantic Center for the Arts.

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